Tension Headaches: What To Do about the Vice-Like Pain in Your Forehead

23 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog


If you suffer from vice-like pain in your forehead, find answers for your discomfort now. The pain in your forehead could be due to tension headaches. Tension headaches can be severe enough to prevent you from playing sports, carrying out your job duties, or sleeping comfortably at night. Here's more information about your vice-like pain and how you can relieve it now.

How Do Tension Headaches Develop?

Tension-type headaches usually show up when tension develops in your scalp or in the muscles of your neck. The tension can spread to the back or sides of your head, or it can affect only your forehead. The muscles and soft tissues in your shoulders, scalp, and neck may also feel tender when you touch them. 

Tension headaches may occur from a number of things that cause your muscles to tense up, including emotional and physical stress. Some adults experience pain when they consume too much caffeine or alcohol. It's also possible to develop pain in the head region if you suffer from frequent sinus infections or colds. 

Most tension headaches don't last long and usually go away with medication. However, you should seek chiropractic treatment if your headaches last longer than seven days.

How Do You Release the Tension?

Headaches that return regularly or don't go away with medication may require special treatment to alleviate. A chiropractor will generally examine your neck and shoulders to see if they contain trigger points. Muscles that stay tense and tight can become stuck in place (contracted). Contracted muscle tissue becomes sore and painful over time. 

If a chiropractor finds triggers points in your muscles, he or she may use different types of therapy to release the knots. Some chiropractors prescribe deep-tissue massage therapy as trigger point treatments. Other specialists may prescribe heat therapy to their patients. Both types of therapy help your muscles relax.

Once the muscles in your neck and shoulder relax, your headaches should subside. If your head pain continues, a chiropractor may examine your lifestyle to see if you do anything to trigger your condition. For example, if you drink caffeinated coffee regularly, a chiropractor may suggest that you change to decaf coffee instead. It's important that you tell a chiropractor about anything that affects the outcome of your treatment.

The vice-like pain in your head won't go away without help. You can find the answers you need about head treatment by contacting a chiropractic specialist near you today.